Lead me from Guilt to Creativity!!
Become aware of the body's sensations
Acceptance - no like or dislike for the sensations
Allow and Release
Guilt is an emotion that arises when we feel responsible for doing something wrong or violating a moral or ethical code. It often involves feelings of remorse, regret, and self-blame.
Guilt can manifest in different ways, such as a nagging feeling in the pit of the stomach, a sense of shame or embarrassment, or a feeling of heaviness or burden. It can be a useful emotion in that it can help us recognize when we have done something wrong and motivate us to make amends or change our behavior. However, excessive or chronic feelings of guilt can be detrimental to one's mental health and well-being, leading to self-doubt, low self-esteem, and even depression. It's important to address feelings of guilt healthily, such as through self-reflection, forgiveness, and seeking support from loved ones or a mental health professional. Energetically, the guilt can be stored in first three chakras as these are the primary survival chakras, and balancing these chakras can help release the guilt from the energy body. The guilt around sensuality can be released by balancing Sacral chakra.
Guilt and Yogic Science
In yogic science, guilt is seen as a negative emotion that can create a blockage in a person's energy flow and hinder spiritual growth. Yogic philosophy emphasizes the concept of "karma," which is the idea that our actions have consequences that affect our present and future lives. When a person feels guilty about something they have done, it can create a negative karmic imprint that can affect their future experiences.
Yogic science offers various techniques and practices that can help address feelings of guilt and promote emotional and spiritual healing. For example, practicing self-awareness and mindfulness can help a person become more attuned to their thoughts and emotions and identify the underlying causes of guilt. Yogic practices such as asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation can help release negative emotions and promote inner peace and self-forgiveness. The practice of karma yoga, which involves selfless service and doing good deeds without attachment to the results, can also help alleviate feelings of guilt by promoting a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Guilt can create a sense of shame and block energy flow in the sacral chakra. Excessive guilt can create negative emotions resulting in an imbalance in the sacral chakra and impacting a person’s ability to experience pleasure and emotional intimacy.

Guilt - Imbalance of Chakras
Fear and Chakra Imbalances
Muladhara- Fear of physical security
Swadhishthana - Fear of rejection
Manipura - Fear of not being enough
Anahata - Fear of loss
Vishuddha - Fear of being seen
Ajna - Fear of illusion
Sahasrara - Fear of loss of identity
Energy Healing
Balancing Swadhishthana (Sacral Chakra)
Balancing Swadhisthana
Sacral Chakra Meditation:
Intention setting: Setting an intention for your practice can help focus your energy and attention. Before meditation or other practices, set an intention that your Muladhara is balanced and that you feel safe and secure.
Sit comfortably with your back straight on the ground with Mudra (Tips of the thumb and the little finger touching). The spine should be unsupported. Visualize an orange energy ball at your spine (2 inch above the base of the spine, and imagine it growing brighter and stronger with each breath.
Chanting "VAM": The beej mantra (seed sound) for the root chakra is "Vam." Chanting this sound for five minutes can help activate and balance the chakra.
Affirmations for the Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana):
“I embrace my sensuality and celebrate my body." "I am a creative being, and my creativity flows effortlessly." "I am in touch with my emotions and honor them with love and understanding." "I am connected to my passion and allow it to guide me towards fulfillment." "I trust my intuition and make decisions that align with my true desires." "I release any guilt or shame surrounding my sexuality and embrace my authentic expression." "I deserve pleasure, joy, and abundance in all areas of my life." "I am open to experiencing healthy and nurturing relationships." "I acknowledge and heal any past wounds related to my emotions and sexuality." "I am a confident, radiant being, fully embracing my personal power."
Grounding exercises: Connecting with the water bodies such as walking near a lake, river, or beach, spending time in nature, or practicing yoga outdoors (possibly near a water body) can help balance the sacral chakra. Most importantly, maintain the intention of balancing Swadhisthana while engaging in activities, as it serves to guide and direct the energy effectively.
Yoga Poses (Asanas).
Certain yoga poses can help to activate and balance the sacral chakra, such as standing poses, seated poses, and hip-opening poses. Under the guidance of an expert, kriya can also be practiced. Focus on the base of the spine during these yoga practices and send prana during inhale to Svadhishtana.
Yoga poses that emphasize the base of the spine area can help activate and balance the sacral chakra (Svadhishthana). Some of these poses include:
There are several yoga poses that can help to activate and balance the Svadhisthana or sacral chakra. Here are some examples:
Pigeon pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana): This pose helps to open the hips and stretch the lower back, promoting energy flow to the sacral chakra.
Bound angle pose (Baddha Konasana): This pose helps to open the hips and stimulate the sacral chakra, while also promoting a sense of relaxation and calm.
Upward facing dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana): This pose helps to activate the sacral chakra while also stretching the spine and chest.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): This pose helps to ground and center the body, while also promoting strength and stability in the sacral chakra.
Cobra pose (Bhujangasana): This pose helps to open the chest and heart, while also stimulating the sacral chakra and promoting feelings of confidence and self-worth.
Goddess pose (Utkata Konasana): This pose helps to activate the sacral chakra and promote a sense of power and strength in the body.
By incorporating these yoga poses into your practice, you can help to promote balance and activate the sacral chakra, leading to a greater sense of well-being and vitality in your body and mind. Remember to listen to your body and practice with mindfulness and intention.
Energy Healing
I honor my body and treat it with respect.
I am worthy of pleasure and joy.
I allow myself to experience pleasure in healthy and positive ways.
I am creative and enjoy expressing myself through art, dance, or other forms of creativity.
I embrace my emotions and allow them to flow freely.
I am comfortable with my sexuality and express it in ways that feel authentic and positive.
I trust my intuition and allow it to guide me.
I am comfortable with change and embrace new experiences.
I respect my boundaries and communicate them clearly to others.
I am confident and trust in my own abilities and talents.
Affirmations to balance Svadhasthana
I embrace the abundance of creativity and joy flowing within me!!
I embrace the abundance of creativity and joy flowing within me!!
Whenver you are walking, have an intention that the Svadhisthana is getting balanced. The water energy has flowing energy to release negative emotions.