Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana for Anahata or heart chakra balancing
Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana in Sanskrit, is a yoga posture that strengthens the back, glutes, and legs, while also stretching the chest and neck. Here are the steps to practice Bridge Pose:Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, hip-distance apart.Bring your heels as close to your hips as possible, keeping your feet parallel to each other.Place your arms alongside your body, with your palms facing down.Inhale, press your feet and arms firmly into the floor, and lift your hips up towards the ceiling.Roll your shoulders back and underneath your body, interlacing your fingers and pressing your arms into the floor for support.Lift your chest towards your chin, keeping your neck long and relaxed.Hold the pose for 5-10 deep breaths, actively engaging your glutes and legs to maintain the lift in your hips.To release the pose, slowly lower your hips back down to the floor, vertebra by vertebra, and release your arms back to your sides.Some tips for practicing Bridge Pose:Avoid lifting your hips too high, as this can strain your lower back. Keep a gentle lift in your hips, with your knees directly over your ankles.If you have any neck issues, keep your chin tucked into your chest rather than lifting it towards the ceiling.To deepen the stretch in your chest, you can roll onto the tops of your shoulders and interlace your hands behind your back, straightening your arms as much as possible.Remember to breathe deeply and smoothly throughout the pose, and release any tension in your body with each exhale.As with any yoga posture, listen to your body and modify or skip the pose if you experience any discomfort or pain.Bridge Pose can help with chakra balancing, particularly the Anahata Chakra, which is associated with the heart center. When practicing Bridge Pose, you are stretching the chest and opening the heart, which can help to activate and balance the Anahata Chakra. This can help to increase feelings of love, compassion, and connection with others.In addition to the Anahata Chakra, Bridge Pose can also help to activate and balance the Vishuddha Chakra (throat), as you are stimulating the thyroid gland and creating space in the throat and neck area.To enhance the chakra balancing benefits of Bridge Pose, you can visualize a green or blue light at the heart or throat center, respectively, while holding the pose. You can also focus on the qualities associated with each chakra, such as love and communication, to deepen your experience of the posture.Remember that chakra balancing is a holistic practice that involves not just yoga poses, but also other lifestyle choices such as diet, meditation, and self-reflection. It's important to approach chakra balancing with an open and curious mind and to be patient and compassionate with yourself as you explore this practice.