Balancing the Muladhara (The Root Chakra)

Root ChakraThe chakra of the root, Muladhara in Sanskrit, is situated at the base of the spine. It is located near the tailbone. It connects with the energy of the earth to provide a sense of security and safety, having an energy of grounding. If this chakra is fully functional, it helps in getting centered and one feels safe and secure. You will feel in harmony with yourself and your environment. It is represented by the red earth energy, however, the different colors may be perceived by the yogis and energy intuitive.How To Activate The Root Chakra?Since the root chakra is linked to the element of earth, spending time in nature is the most effective method to increase the life force to the energy center. Walking in the forest or climbing mountains has potent grounded qualities that help relax and soothe the mind while releasing fears and anxiety. Gardening is also a great hobby to balance this chakra. If possible, walk barefoot on the ground. If you are an advanced practitioner, you can learn Bhut Suddhi and Ashwani kriya to activate this Chakra. Because this Chakra is concerned with survival, overactive chakra can cause stress and anxiety while underactive chakra can manifest as depression. Those who are in a state of constant fear should try grounding exercises, while those who feel low energy should attempt more rigorous physical activity to activate the chakra. Balancing exercises will help for both overactive and underactive chakra.Dealing with the fear itself with courage can help bring the energies in balance. If we bring the chakra to a balanced state, the energy body by itself is able to release the stuck energies from the chakra.


Seven Chakra Symbols


Katha Upanishad